Sundaram MF Start An SIP Dec2024 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ABSL Crisil IBX Gilt Apr 2033 Index Fund Reg IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 11.0707
24-02-2025 11.0678
21-02-2025 11.0619
20-02-2025 11.0546
18-02-2025 11.0631
17-02-2025 11.0539
14-02-2025 11.0511
13-02-2025 11.0492
12-02-2025 11.0542
11-02-2025 11.0469
10-02-2025 11.0405
07-02-2025 11.0413
06-02-2025 11.0614
05-02-2025 11.0598
04-02-2025 11.0576
03-02-2025 11.0564
31-01-2025 11.0384
30-01-2025 11.0446
29-01-2025 11.0397
28-01-2025 11.0506
27-01-2025 11.0428
24-01-2025 11.013
23-01-2025 11.0032
22-01-2025 11.0024
21-01-2025 10.9884
20-01-2025 10.977
17-01-2025 10.9644
16-01-2025 10.9738
15-01-2025 10.9431
14-01-2025 10.9339
13-01-2025 10.9233
10-01-2025 10.9612
09-01-2025 10.9629
08-01-2025 10.9716
07-01-2025 10.972
06-01-2025 10.9581
03-01-2025 10.9401
02-01-2025 10.9366
01-01-2025 10.9329
31-12-2024 10.9398
30-12-2024 10.9264
27-12-2024 10.9161
26-12-2024 10.9215
24-12-2024 10.9237
23-12-2024 10.9249
20-12-2024 10.9171
19-12-2024 10.9174
18-12-2024 10.9318
17-12-2024 10.9226
16-12-2024 10.931
13-12-2024 10.9302
12-12-2024 10.9187
11-12-2024 10.9273
10-12-2024 10.9363
09-12-2024 10.9268
06-12-2024 10.9095
05-12-2024 10.9393
04-12-2024 10.9349
03-12-2024 10.9187
02-12-2024 10.9136
29-11-2024 10.884
28-11-2024 10.8527
27-11-2024 10.8457
26-11-2024 10.8347
25-11-2024 10.8338
22-11-2024 10.812
21-11-2024 10.8192
19-11-2024 10.8237
18-11-2024 10.8166
14-11-2024 10.8045
13-11-2024 10.8177
12-11-2024 10.8232
11-11-2024 10.827
08-11-2024 10.83
07-11-2024 10.8153
06-11-2024 10.8162
05-11-2024 10.8175
04-11-2024 10.8121
31-10-2024 10.8051
30-10-2024 10.8112
29-10-2024 10.7993
28-10-2024 10.7847
25-10-2024 10.8004
24-10-2024 10.8062
23-10-2024 10.805
22-10-2024 10.801
21-10-2024 10.7978
18-10-2024 10.8017
17-10-2024 10.8184
16-10-2024 10.8181
15-10-2024 10.8211
14-10-2024 10.8161
11-10-2024 10.8062
10-10-2024 10.8116
09-10-2024 10.8129
08-10-2024 10.7888
07-10-2024 10.7695
04-10-2024 10.7705
03-10-2024 10.805
01-10-2024 10.8255
30-09-2024 10.8164
27-09-2024 10.7987
26-09-2024 10.8134
25-09-2024 10.7969
24-09-2024 10.781
23-09-2024 10.7776
20-09-2024 10.7732
19-09-2024 10.776
17-09-2024 10.7544
16-09-2024 10.7619
13-09-2024 10.7344
12-09-2024 10.7193
11-09-2024 10.7081
10-09-2024 10.6933
09-09-2024 10.6893
06-09-2024 10.6816
05-09-2024 10.6785
04-09-2024 10.6756
03-09-2024 10.665
02-09-2024 10.6601
30-08-2024 10.6622
29-08-2024 10.6631
28-08-2024 10.6616
27-08-2024 10.6626
26-08-2024 10.6661
23-08-2024 10.655
22-08-2024 10.655
21-08-2024 10.6509
20-08-2024 10.6429
19-08-2024 10.6412
16-08-2024 10.632
14-08-2024 10.6332
13-08-2024 10.6224
12-08-2024 10.6155
09-08-2024 10.6115
08-08-2024 10.6118
07-08-2024 10.618
06-08-2024 10.6109
05-08-2024 10.6131
02-08-2024 10.582
01-08-2024 10.5721
31-07-2024 10.5654
30-07-2024 10.5605
29-07-2024 10.5681
26-07-2024 10.5534
25-07-2024 10.541
24-07-2024 10.5312
23-07-2024 10.5229
22-07-2024 10.5201
19-07-2024 10.5159
18-07-2024 10.5122
16-07-2024 10.506
15-07-2024 10.4955
12-07-2024 10.4852
11-07-2024 10.4844
10-07-2024 10.4831
09-07-2024 10.4751
08-07-2024 10.4722
05-07-2024 10.4635
04-07-2024 10.4583
03-07-2024 10.4551
02-07-2024 10.447
01-07-2024 10.4436
30-06-2024 10.4449
28-06-2024 10.4412
27-06-2024 10.4438
26-06-2024 10.4436
25-06-2024 10.4512
24-06-2024 10.4538
21-06-2024 10.4466
20-06-2024 10.4376
19-06-2024 10.4389
18-06-2024 10.4283
14-06-2024 10.4213
13-06-2024 10.4173
12-06-2024 10.4032
11-06-2024 10.4001
10-06-2024 10.3871
07-06-2024 10.3925
06-06-2024 10.3917
05-06-2024 10.3786
04-06-2024 10.3631
03-06-2024 10.4128
31-05-2024 10.3873
30-05-2024 10.376
29-05-2024 10.3706
28-05-2024 10.3798
27-05-2024 10.3876
24-05-2024 10.3753
22-05-2024 10.374
21-05-2024 10.3533
17-05-2024 10.329
16-05-2024 10.3372
15-05-2024 10.3297
14-05-2024 10.3186
13-05-2024 10.3086
10-05-2024 10.3029
09-05-2024 10.2893
08-05-2024 10.2874
07-05-2024 10.2928
06-05-2024 10.2976
03-05-2024 10.2678
02-05-2024 10.2614
30-04-2024 10.241
29-04-2024 10.2364
26-04-2024 10.2322
25-04-2024 10.2279
24-04-2024 10.2297
23-04-2024 10.2412
22-04-2024 10.2269
19-04-2024 10.2073
18-04-2024 10.2314
16-04-2024 10.2209
15-04-2024 10.2322
12-04-2024 10.218
10-04-2024 10.2516
08-04-2024 10.2288
05-04-2024 10.2457
04-04-2024 10.2505
03-04-2024 10.2377
02-04-2024 10.239
31-03-2024 10.2646
28-03-2024 10.2612
27-03-2024 10.2419
26-03-2024 10.2273

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